Harper Corp. Hits the Road
- Published: April 19, 2006, By pffc-online.com
CHARLOTTE, NC—Starting in May, Harper Corp.'s GraphicSolutions team will hit the road for a tour of free one-day seminars with a new focus on troubleshooting during the 2006 Harper Flexographic Solutions Tour. This year, the focus will shift from anilox-specific information to addressing how to resolve common flexographic problems. This year’s seminars also will take place at and showcase colleges and universities with flexographic printing programs. Sessions are designed for print managers, print supervisors, pre-press managers, graphic designers, purchasing and/or general managers, and ink, plate and pre-press suppliers.
Specific seminars will vary by region, but sample topics include:
- Troubleshooting plate-process use issues
- Pre-press practices to control color management
- Producing predictable and reproducible flexo
- Anilox scoring – Causes and prevention
- Ink handling for paper and film
- Analog vs. digital plate operation
- How substrates affect the printing process