Sercos to Present Multi-Vendor Demo at Upcoming Show


SÜSSEN, GERMANY | Sercos will will present a multi-vendor demo plus new products from more than 20 vendors and safety solutions which are based on CIP Safety on Sercos at the SPS IPC Drives show in Nuremberg, Germany, from November 26–28. In the spotlight will be multi-vendor solutions, safety concepts, and new products.

The roll-to-roll demo “Plastic Electronics” from Bosch Rexroth is based on the Sercos automation bus and, in addition to its own products, also contains components from Bihl+Wiedemann, Hilscher, and Vision & Control. The demo will illustrate how different processes within a machine can be precisely regulated, how web transport and processing units can be perfectly synchronized, and how an exact web tension can be maintained.

A moderated forum entitled “Sercos in practice” will provide an explanation on how the roll-to-roll demo was developed on the basis of the Sercos automation bus.

Approximately 20 manufacturers will display Sercos products in more than 80 exhibits, with about 20% of the products being shown for the first time. The new developments include: the LVD Sercos III, a compact, high-performance, low-voltage servo drive from Servotronix; the 130 A servo drive from Schneider Electric Automation, which complements the PacDrive family; a weight transmitter from Laumas; a media converter from Phoenix Contact; and the Innovasic fido5000 REM switch.


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