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Flex-Pack Students Meet Challenge

LINTHICUM, MD | The Flexible Packaging Assn. announces the winners of its 2010 Student Flexible Packaging Design Challenge.

First place honors went to Michigan State Univ.'s Ken Gruhl for the Orange Juice Concentrate comprising six frozen OJ concentrate pouches connected by a perforated seam. Gruhl says, “Consumers simply tear off one of the pouches, open it using an easy-open tab, and mix contents with water.”

Laura Hubbard of Clemson Univ. wins second place for the Rugged Pup dog food package, a small gusseted bag that also serves as a bowl for dog food. Hubbard says, “The bag includes a semi-perforation, which is centered in the top gusset. Once the perforation is broken, the top gusset folds flat against the sides, creating a bowl.”

For more information visit www.flexpack.org.

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