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IMDA Now Accepting Awards Competition Entries

SCOTTSDALE, AZ | The In-Mold Decorating Assn. (IMDA) is now accepting entries for its Fifth Annual Awards Competition.  The 2011 Competition will recognize the industry's best in-mold labeled packaging and in-mold decorated durable products.

The winning entries are chosen based on creativity in design, engineering and innovation in the following categories:  Best Part Design,  Best Thin Wall Packaging, Best Injection Mold Part, Best Blow Molded Part, Best IMD Durable Product, Best Label Design, and Best Product Family (common style or brand).

Entries must be received by June 1, 2011. No entries will be accepted after that date. Special discounted fee for "early bird" entries received by May 1, 2011.

Award winners will be recognized at IMLCON and IMDCON 2011, November 16—17, 2011, in Phoenix, AZ, and will be featured in  issues of Package Design and Paper, Film & Foil Converter (PFFC) magazines.

Complete entry details, rules, and entry forms are available at the IMDA website or by contacting: Ron Shultz, executive director, In-Mold Decorating Assn.; 480-473-0301; ron.schultz@imdassociation.com.

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