
Digital Magazine

Leave Your Limits BehindDrop into CMM with Us

Fact: “The biennial CMM International is the world's largest showcase and educational forum for the converting/packaging/package-printing industry,” declares show organizer/sponsor Paperloop Inc.

From a copious conference offering to informative seminars to the show's new Digital Front End (DFE) Technology Center, the fact is that there's a lot to dive into at the Converting Machninery/Materials Conference and Exposition.

Slated for April 23-26 in Chicago, IL, the show will cover more than 420,000 net sq ft of exhibit space in McCormick Place's South Building. Paperloop expects the show to attract more than 32,000 converting professionals from 70 countries, who will get an overview of the latest products and technologies from more than 1,000 of the industry's leading manufacturers of converting machinery and materials.

Whew! It seems the sky is the limit when it comes to the sheer amount of information available at the event. But equipped with this issue — your converting parachute, if you will — it's PFFC's hope you'll be more than prepared for your jump into CMM 2001.

The Down and Dirty
Before an aerial plunge, a skydiver often executes a terrestrial “dirt dive” in order to make the most of his/her experience. Making the most of your CMM experience depends on having all the information you need. Here's the dirt:

Exhibit Hours: Monday, April 23, through Wednesday, April 25, 10:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M.; Thursday, April 26, 10:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.

Eager attendees can dive into their show experience on Sunday, April 22, by attending the e-business Conference and Tabletop exhibit at the Hyatt-McCormick Place.

Says Paperloop, “This conference will bring together e-business experts to [discuss] the complexities of e-business. The focus will be on converting, with tracks dedicated to containerboard, paperboard, tissue, nonwovens, and plastics.” The e-business exhibit runs through Tuesday, April 24. For more information contact Dana Jacoby at 415/538-3808, or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In addition, Sunday marks the beginning of a two-day coating seminar sponsored by the Converting Equipment Mfrs. Assn. (CEMA). It is slated for April 22 from 9:30 A.M.-4:10 P.M. and Monday, April 23, from 8:00 A.M.-2:35 P.M. For specifics, see p. CMM10. The CEMA seminar will take place at the Embassy Suites Hotel in downtown Chicago, and according to Paperloop, a shuttle bus will be available for transportation to and from McCormick Place South. To register for the CEMA conference, contact CMM Intl. at 201/226-0101, or visit the CMM web site at www.cmmshow.com.

Kick off your CMM experience by attending the Exhibitors Gala Reception, 6:30 P.M.-9:00 P.M., Sunday, April 22, at the famous John G. Shedd Aquarium.

On the Conference Tip
CMM 2001's conference program — “Converting Technology into Solutions: The Answer for Business Success” — will offer topics for every segment of the industry, says Paperloop, ranging from e-commerce and key management issues to technical sessions and digital printing technologies, advanced web handling, and process automation. Check out the Conference Program-At-A-Glance on p. CMM 10 to plan your conference schedule.

The Digital Buzz
The DFE Technology Center and Presentation Theatre will be accessible during all regular show hours, and organizers report it is “dedicated to showcasing the latest digital workflow solutions, specifically for the converting and package printing applications.” Companies exhibiting in the DFE include AGFA, Alan Graphics, Anderson & Vreeland, Barco, CreoScitex, GOprinter, Imation, Max Daetwyler, Polaroid, PCC Artwork Systems, and X-Rite.

The DFE will feature product information in the following areas: prepress, color management, digital and conventional proofing, computer-to-plate (CTP), and on-demand printing.

Featuring consecutive 20-minute presentations and demonstrations, the DFE Technology Theatre provides a forum for converters to examine the latest technological advancements and find the “solutions” that best fit their needs. In addition, a series of sessions called “Workflow Mornings” will offer a unique educational opportunity for converters. The sessions are scheduled for Tuesday, April 24, and Wednesday, April 25. For more information on the DFE Technology Center, contact Jane McDermott at 212/615-2200, or visit www.cmmshow.com.

On the more traditional printing front, the CMM Printing Technology Center will offer the “latest and greatest” in package printing technology. Topics include flexography, gravure, lithography, and combo presses; the choice of narrow, mid, or wide web; multi-substrate presses; and flexo for the corrugated converter.

News for the Narrow Web Niche
The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) sponsors a narrow web and folding carton seminar, Wednesday, April 25, from 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. It will feature presentations on narrow web flexo and its use in the folding carton, corrugated, and general converting markets. Topics include trends and developments; prepress pros and cons; the printing process; in-line value-added processes; and narrow web flexo's future. Manufacturers on hand will be Bobst Group, Comco Intl., and ZIGZAG (formerly Chromas Technologies). You can regiser on-line via www.cmmshow.com, or call 201/226-0101.

Those hungry for more narrow web news can attend the Narrow Web Luncheon, Wednesday, April 25, 12:30 P.M.-2:00 P.M. to hear speakers at the forefront of new technology in the narrow web market. For complete details visit www. cmmshow.com.

PFFC's sister publication, Boxboard Containers International, is sponsoring the Corrugated Pavilion. Manufacturers exhibiting in the Pavilion (as of press time) include Barco Graphics, Bobst Group, Grant Intl., Palmac, P.E. Printech Equipment, Sani-Blast, and Sun Automation.

And the Winner Is…
CMM 2001's Converter of the Year is Alan Leeson, founder and president of Spectrum Label Corp., Haywood, CA. A prestigious industry honor, the Converter of the Year Award is presented to a converter, supplier, educator, or consultant that has advanced converting technology, business practices, industry education, or standards significantly. The presentation will be held on Tuesday, April 24.

Leo Nadolske, VP of CMM Events, says of Leeson: “Alan's selection as this year's [award winner] for his excellence in flexographic printing underscores the variety of technologies represented at CMM International. Our previous honorees have included flexible package printing, boxmaking, and corrugated specialists.”

Leeson's converting operation, Spectrum Label, was founded in 1968 and is now located in a new custom-designed, 65,000-sq-ft facility. Spectrum specializes in such converting applications as health and beauty labels and pouches; flexible packaging; and shrink-film packaging. Leeson started with only four employees, and today, Spectrum Label is an industry leader, with annual sales of approximately $15 million.

Making Your Way
PFFC's coverage offers you several different ways to make the most of your CMM 2001 experience. Beginning on p. CMM 12, you will find the exhibitors listed according to product category. To help you map your visit, see the floorplan on p. CMM 33. Alphabetical booth listings featuring exhibit descriptions begin on CMM 38. (Note: We have attempted to provide as accurate information as possible as of press time. We cannot be responsible for last-minute changes, additions, or cancellations.)

For more information on CMM Intl. contact Paperloop Inc. at 800/829-3976; fax: 212/615-2200; web: www.cmmshow.com. Have a great show!

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