
Digital Magazine

Converter Industry Events


23-24 | Principles of Web Handling, Sensor Products, Hilton Charlotte Executive Pk., Charlotte, NC; www.seminarsforengineers.com

24-26 | Graphics of the Americas Expo & Conference, Orange Cty. Convention Ctr., Orlando, FL; www.GOA2011.com


3 | Converters Expo 2011, Converting Influence, Lambeau Stadium, Green Bay, WI; www.convertersexpo.com

8-9 | uv.eb WEST 2011, RadTech Assn., Biltmore Hotel & Suites, Santa Clara, CA; www.uvebwest.com

9-11 | FPA Annual Meeting, Flexible Packaging Assn., Ritz-Carlton Resort, Naples, FL; www.flexpack.org

9-11 | PLGA Global Operational Conference, Packaging & Label Gravure Assn., Hilton Hotel Downtown, Miami, FL; www.plga.com

13-16 | TLMI Converter Meeting, Tag & Label Mfrs. Inst., Four Seasons Resort, Palm Beach, FL; www.tlmi.com

16-19 | PPC Annual Spring Meeting, Paperboard Packaging Council, Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego, CA; www.ppcnet.org

20-23 | AIMCAL Management Meeting, Assn. of Intl. Metallizers, Coaters & Laminators, Boulders Resort, Carefree, AZ; www.aimcal.org

29-30 | AWA Mergers & Acquisitions Executive Forum 2011, AWA Alexander Watson Assoc., Hyatt Rosemont (near O'Hare Airport), Rosemont (Chicago), IL; www.awa-bv.com

31 | ABC's of IML: A Basic Course, RBS Technologies, DoubleTree Hotel & Conference Ctr. Chicago North Shore, Skokie, IL; www.rbstechnologies.com

31-Apr. 1 | AWA Global Release Liner Industry Conference 2011, AWA Alexander Watson Assoc., Hyatt Rosemont (near O'Hare Airport), Rosemont (Chicago), IL; www.awa-bv.com


6-7 | Sustainable Packaging Mexico Seminar & Exhibition, Hotel Camino Real Polanaco, Mexico City, Mexico; www.elempaque.comseminarios/esustentableMX

Send event information to yolanda.simonsis@penton.com. For a complete industry calendar, visit www.pffc-online.com.

What's happening at your company? Send your news to yolanda.simonsis@penton.com.

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