
Digital Magazine

Economic Data Shows Improvement

RESTON, VA | NPES, The Assn. for Suppliers of Printing, Publishing and Converting Technologies, examined the preliminary Q4 2009 GDP data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis in a recent newsletter.

The data showed the output of goods and services increasing at an annual rate of 5.7%, an increase from Q3 growth of 2.2%. The question, said NPES, was “When will that translate into improved sales for our industry?” The answer: “…it now appears we may have turned the corner going into 2010 as the fourth quarter 2009 data has shown a significant increase of 88.1% over the third quarter 2009 and 35.7% over the same quarter 2008 to approximately $392.3 million.”

However, the NPES report adds that much of the improvement in the economy came as a result of government stimulus programs, so it can't be known yet whether the growth will continue as the programs end.

For more information visit www.npes.org.

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