Project Management Module Offered by IQMS
- Published: May 31, 2012
PASO ROBLES, CA | IQMS announces the JobShop project management module for EnterpriseIQ, said to handle every aspect of discrete manufacturing order effortlessly. User can create and define Bills of Material (BOMs) and routing diagrams, quote sales orders, calculate CTP, schedule work orders, flow the data into the product lifecycle management tool, and issue purchase orders.
Quick summary feature allows provides an overall snapshot of the project with additional drill-down capability to view details such as available inventory, project activity, allocated labor and work center hours, material exceptions, document control, work center data, and percentage complete.
A color-coded diagram that displays all the steps in the process, enabling the clear visualization or work order routing. Allows user to clone an already existing route and make project-specific modifications or start from scratch. Create a new routing diagram from scratch or clone an existing route and make project specific modifications.