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QuadTech System Certified for W&H Presses


SUSSEX, WI | QuadTech, a supplier of press control technology, and press manufacturer Windmoeller & Hoelscher, Lengerich, Germany, report an agreement said to deliver easier control, improved quality, and less waste to operators of W&H flexographic press lines.

The solution, immediately available worldwide on new and existing W&H presses, employs W&H’s EASY-SET lighting and cameras and QuadTech's processing and algorithms to achieve true 100% inspection capability, via the W&H EVI interface.

QuadTech’s inspection system uses sophisticated defect analysis to provide 100% inspection on 100% of a substrate, 100% of the time. The technology compares each print repeat against a “golden template,” which is a printed copy considered by the press operator to be as close to perfect as possible. EASY-SET gives fully automatic impression setting of anilox rolls and plate cylinders in what is said to be the shortest time possible, giving fast production startup, reduced waste, and accurate, reproducible settings.

Randy Freeman, QuadTech’s VP and general manager of packaging, says, “W&H has a long history of raising the technology bar and QuadTech is pleased to collaborate with W&H to offer this level of integration.”


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