
Digital Magazine

drupa 2012 a Success for Flexotecnica


NEW BERLIN, WI | Flexotecnica announces a record number of press sales at drupa 2012, along with its parent company, Cerutti, who also experienced a large boost in sales of its rotogravure technology.

Flexotecnica reports its sales came in from all over the world, and the new EVO-XG press, which was demonstrated at drupa, was sold to a repeat customer, Plasticel of Colombia, making it their fifth Flexotecnica press. Flexotecnica reports many demonstrations of the XG press equipped with its new auto-registration system. Reportedly, the system cuts down on waste because any reference spot on the screen can be changed during setup without having to reset the system.

In total, the Cerutti Group signed orders for over 20 machines, with many new projects in the wings to be concluded in the coming months.


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