
Digital Magazine

Predict Color Accurately with Esko Launch


GENT, BELGIUM | Esko announces Color Engine 12, a module within its Suite 12. Launched at drupa 2012, Color Engine is said to predict the behavior of ink and simulates the printed result on a digital inkjet proof.

Color Engine calculates what a spot ink will look like when printed on top of another one, or printed on certain paper or boardstock, or viewed under different lighting conditions without having to fingerprint all possible combinations. This guarantees accurate and achievable color expectations at a minimum effort and cost.

PantoneLIVE, a cloud-based solution said to ensure first-time-every-time color integrity, is integrated with Color Engine 12. Company says Color Engine, which is fully integrated in the Suite 12 workflow, is easy to learn and easy to use color features provide operator interaction from within all of the editors.


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