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Menges Provides Info on Thermal Rollers


WAUCONDA, IL | Menges Roller Co., a fabricator of industrial rollers for the converting, steel, and paper industries, reports the launch of its Thermal Roller Information Program. This campaign is being spearheaded by the release of new web content and will be followed by a series of multimedia follow-up projects using 3-D animation, video, and document materials.

The company says the purpose of the program is to inform and educate industry peers on how thermal rollers, sometimes called “chill rollers” and “heat transfer rollers,” work and operate, while also showing how they’re made and explaining the unique roles these advanced rollers fill in a converting or processing plant.

Menges Roller president Matt Menges, says, “We take calls every day from experienced professionals wanting to know ‘what liquid is in the roller?…how hot or cold can you make it?…how can a roller help an adhesive and coating?’ But they’re almost afraid to ask because they feel like they should know. So I thought [we should] do something that’s instructive and informational to answer some of these questions.”

He says today’s thermal rollers can maintain very exact roll-face temperatures, consistent to within +/- 1 deg F; and they can chill webs to a cool 40 deg or superheat to almost 400 deg.


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