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Color Management Group, Tucanna Sign Agreement


SAN JOSE, CA | The Color Management Group (CMG), a growing worldwide “think tank” consortium of certified consultants, technicians, and resellers, reports it has entered into an exclusive agreement for North America, and a non-exclusive agreement for South America, to distribute Tucanna solutions, including the tFlow, PrintControl and RapidCheck. The agreement assigns CMG to sell, promote, and service Tucanna products in all markets in the Americas. Tucanna is a global developer and supplier of software solutions for the printing industry, founded in 2006 and headquartered in Villarreal, Spain.

The tFlow was introduced at the beginning of this year, and, in addition to making complete automation available, it addresses the needs of graphic arts, prepress, digital, analog, packaging, and office printing markets. PrintControl and RapidCheck are used to calibrate printing devices in accordance to G7, SWOP, and ISO standards.

“We are proud to win the Color Management Group as our partner for the American markets,” says Jawdatt Mawassii, head of business development and strategy at Tucanna. “We have interacted with the Group though various companies over the years, always with a positive outcome. Their channel management and technical support are of exceptional quality, and they have the ability to aid us in establishing and promoting our products in vital markets. [Their] invaluable support…coupled with their unique knowledge of products and the industry are skills that are imperative for our success. this is a good site with naked gifs We are very excited to see the changes this agreement will bring about.”


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