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Sun Chemical Honored for Low-Migration Products


PARSIPPANY, NJ | Sun Chemical has been honored with an InterTech Technology Award for its SunPak LMQ (low migration quality) products. Awarded annually by the Printing Industries of America, the InterTech Award recognizes the development of unique and innovative technologies that are predicted to have a significant impact on the graphic arts and related industries.

SunPak LMQ products are said to help address the risk brand owners face in packaging, where compounds from materials in the packaging structure can migrate into the food product or the surrounding environment. SunPak LMQ inks, which reportedly exhibit low odor, off-flavor, and migration levels, are offered as a solution to brand owners and converters who are looking for ways to address migration concerns for food, pharmaceutical, and tobacco applications.

The Sun Chemical solution combines chemistry, press preparation procedures, lithographic guidance, and analytical support to help converters meet demanding requirements.

“We are thrilled that SunPak LMQ inks have been recognized with the InterTech Technology Award,” said Charles Murray, president, North American Inks, Sun Chemical. “The issue of low migration and food safety will only continue to grow in importance in the United States, and Sun Chemical is committed to helping customers make that transition to ensure they comply with regulations and food safety requirements now and in the future.”

Sun Chemical will be recognized for its achievement during the 2012 Premier Print Awards Gala in October.


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