
Digital Magazine

Got Web Coating Wisdom? AIMCAL's Call for Fall Papers

FORT MILL, SC, USA—The Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators (AIMCAL) has issued its annual call for papers for its fall technical conference. Slated for October 21–23, 2002, at the Hilton Sedona Resort, Sedona, AZ, the fall technical conference, says the assn., "is an industry forum for the global technical community involved in web coating processes."

According to AIMCAL, topics of interest for this year's conference include (but are not limited to):

  • Coating and Laminating Sessions:

    coating methods and ancillary equipment; winding; web handling and slitting; coating line retrofitting; functional coatings and associated technologies; new or innovative web coating technology and control

  • Vacuum Metallizing and Coating Sessions

    process control and measurement; vacuum performance; computer interface; evaporator source control; maintenance; new equipment technology; market updates; testing and control

  • Regulatory and Safety Session:

    legislative updates; equipment performance and innovation; maintenance and performance reviews; safety issues, programs, and education

AIMCAL says presentations for the fall technical conference are selected upon the following criteria:

  • applicability to the advancement of the manufacturing process;

  • uniqueness and innovativeness of new technology and its contribution to the industry; and

  • value to the technical/production community.

"For consideration as a presenter to the 2002 AIMCAL Fall Technical Conference, please email (aimcal@aimcal.org), fax (803/802-7821), or mail the following information to the AIMCAL office (2166 Gold Hill Rd., Fort Mill, SC 29708):

  • Title of paper

  • Abstract: up to 75 word abstract of presentation

  • Author: name, company, title, and contact information

  • For those with web access, you can submit your paper abstract by visiting aimcal.org.

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