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Converter Accessory Corp. Adds Bowed Rolls


WIND GAP, PA | Converter Accessory Corp. (CAC) is introducing bowed rolls to its’ line of anti-wrinkle technology and devices. The new model FB350 bowed roll utilizes fixed bow technology, engineered to fit customers’ specific applications. Fixed bow reportedly provides excellent aggressive, repeatable performance for demanding anti-wrinkle applications and is well suited to separate slit widths for slitter/rewinder applications, to prevent interleaving.

The FB350 is currently available in versatile 3.5-in.-dia and face widths to 70 in. Drive sheaves are available for light-tension applications. Rubber sleeve material may be varied where high heat, chemicals, adhesives, or excessive ozone exposure may be a concern.

FB350 bowed rolls are acceptable for use with all types of plastic films, paper, and nonwovens. They can be used in applications from slow speed to high speed, narrow web to wide web.


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