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Ferrari Offers Workshop on Innovation


CINCINNATI, OH | Michael Ferrari, founder and president of Ferrari Innovation Solutions, (http://www.mike-ferrari.com/) announces a new two-day workshop entitled “Reigniting Growth Through Leadership and Innovation.” Organized with Sustaining Success Solutions, the workshop is taught on the client’s site and is recommended for entrepreneurs, project leaders, business leaders, marketers, R&D engineers/scientists.

Ferrari says sustained growth requires a balanced innovation portfolio, and the recent macro-economic global conditions require placing even greater focus on innovation. The workshop, which is designed to guide leaders and teach the tools of innovation and leadership to employees, has been successfully piloted during the last two years and is now available for B to B and B to C businesses.

For more details, watch the workshop video and check out the agenda.

Ferrari recently completed 32 years with Procter & Gamble and now coaches leaders in the packaging industry worldwide. He is also a guest lecture professor on innovation at the University of Florida. Keith Lawrence of Sustaining Success Solutions is an architect of Peak Performance. He spent four decades traveling three million miles to learn from over a hundred of the world’s best companies and leaders on the secrets to sustained success, had a 33-year career at P&G, and now advises several Fortune 100 companies.


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