
Digital Magazine

Kodak Shows Brand Protection Solutions


ROCHESTER, NY | Kodak reports its brand protection technologies are helping brand owners establish more secure countermeasures to deter counterfeiters and diverters. The company demonstrated these capabilities during the recent International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC) Annual Fall Conference. The event’s attendees represent members of business and industry who are working on ways to combat threats related to product counterfeiting and piracy.

Kodak says it has a strong history of working with global companies to implement tailored brand protection security systems. Its applications include security features for use in packaging, inks, substrates, plastics, and directly in product materials. These brand protection solutions currently find application in the pharmaceutical, health and beauty, consumer product, and luxury goods industries.

Technologies and applications include invisible product authentication, overt or visible artwork-based authentication, anti-diversion solutions, and product serialization with track and trace system capabilities. The TRACELESS System also includes black and color inks with invisible markers to aid in anticounterfeiting efforts.


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