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Chevron Phillips Updates Lab with Davis-Standard Winder

Davis-Standard QFP WinderFULTON, NY | Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. (CPChem) recently added a new Davis-Standard stationary knife winder and roll changer to its extrusion coating laboratory in Bartlesville, OK. This laboratory is a valuable tool for CPChem to develop new resins to meet their customers’ extrusion coating needs and demonstrates CPChem’s ongoing commitment to address customer needs and product requirements.

“The addition of the winder allows us to process production quality rolls that showcase the quality of products that can be produced from our full line of extrusion coating resins,” said Kelly Frey of CPChem Extrusion Coating Technical Service. “Davis-Standard has the technical expertise to supply a winder that meets the extremely wide range of winding needs that our customers require.”

This new winder offers full-speed starts and excellent winding capabilities designed for a diverse range of materials. The capability of CPChem’s extrusion coating line to apply resins extends to a variety of substrates, from light gauge films and nonwovens to paper and heavy paperboard.

The new center/surface winder is part of Davis-Standard’s Black Clawson Converting Machinery QFP equipment line. CPChem’s lab line operates at speeds up to 1,800 fpm (550 mpm), and the winder supports finished diameter rolls up to 50 in. (1,200 mm) on 3-in. (75-mm), 6-in. (150-mm) and 12-in. (300-mm) cores.

For more information about Chevron Phillips Chemical Extrusion Coating Resins, contact Kelly Frey. For more information about Davis-Standard’s winding systems, contact R. Duane Smith, product manager, Specialty Winding.

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