FTA’s INFO*FLEX Welcomes New Exhibitors
- Published: January 04, 2013
BOHEMIA, NY | The Flexographic Technical Assn. (http://www.flexography.org) (FTA) reports a number of new companies have recently signed up to exhibit at INFO*FLEX 2013, scheduled for the April 29–30, San Diego, CA.
The latest exhibitors to sign up for INFO*FLEX are the following:
• Allen Datagraph Systems (ADSI)
• Gallus
• Nilpeter
• Omet Srl
• Maxcess (Fife, Tidland, Magpowr)
• Paper Converting Machine Co.
They join a long list of exhibitors (170+ to date) said to represent all segments of the packaging, printing, and converting industry.
According to Jay Kaible, FTA's director of membership and business development, “We know for a fact that the printers, converters, and CPCs are going. This, coupled with the…technical sessions at INFO*FLEX’s sister event, FTA’s Forum, a great location/venue, enhanced networking opportunities, and the celebration of FTA’s 55th anniversary will make this event one for the record books.”