
Digital Magazine

FTA Calls for Technical Entries


BOHEMIA, NY | The Flexographic Technical Assn. (FTA) has issued a call-for-entries for its Technical Innovation Award. The award recognizes those innovations of the highest technical accomplishment that are judged to be capable of significantly contributing to the overall elevation of the flexographic printing/converting industry.

Competition is open to the flexographic industry, regardless of FTA membership status. Joint entries are welcome if two or more organizations are involved in developing an innovative technology. All entries must be specific to the flexographic industry as required by award rules. Entries will be judged by FTA member professionals and will be placed into one of three categories:

1. Prepress – Graphics (workflow solutions to include file preparation and/or desktop applications and all plate imaging and plating technologies)

2. Prepress – Pressroom (any device and/or product that would be used in the pressroom prior to print production)

3. Heavy Converting Equipment (any types of presses and/or press components) The entry deadline is Feb. 8, 2013.

The winner(s) will be notified in March and a formal award presentation will take place at FTA’s 2013 Annual Forum, April 28 – May 1 in San Diego, CA.


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