Menges Offers Grinding and Plating Services
- Published: January 21, 2013
WAUCONDA, IL | Menges Roller Co. announces the expansion of its service offerings to converting companies, which now include precision cylindrical grinding services, as well as chrome plating in which old chrome is ground off and new chrome plating is applied to the roller, reportedly delivering a like-new finish.
Company says a high-gloss finish on chromed rolls is imperative, especially in situations where these rollers are in contact with hot plastics—if the chrome is dull, the plastic finish will appear dull and “un-glossy.” New re-grinding and re-chroming services will help converters maintain their product quality and are said to be cost-effective repairs.
Computer-controlled, outside diameter finishing machines are said to be capable of achieving diameter tolerances within one one-thousandth of an inch. Company offers a complete range of polish options, from standard mirror finish to optical mirror finish, delivering Ra values as low as 1–2 Ra.