
Digital Magazine

MPS Open House Demos Offset and Flexo Presses


DIDAM, THE NETHERLANDS | Multi Print Systems (MPS) recently held an open house at its headquarters in Didam. On the agenda were live demonstrations of the EXL410 UV full-servo, 14-color offset press and an EF410 UV full-servo eight-color flexo presses.

Four demonstrations of the presses were held each day followed by one-on-one meetings to further discuss the technology and benefits. The open house also provided an opportunity for visitors to personally meet the sales and management team and learn more first-hand about machinery.

The EXL offset press, launched at Labelexpo Europe 2011, has variable sleeves for different repeat lengths, for both plates and blankets. The offset press can be equipped with various flexo, gravure, and screen units, in addition to flexo units on rail. Multiple converting units such as hot/cold foil, delam/relam, die-cutting, and laminating can also be installed. A gravure unit enables the customer to dry solvent-based inks with the use of hot air.


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