
Digital Magazine

Phoenix Flexo Competition Needs Frequent Flyer Mile Donations

Phoenix Challenge: International High School Flexography Skills Competition
March 20 and 21, 2003
Harper National Flexographic Center
Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC)
Southwest Campus
315 W. Hebron St.
Charlotte, NC 28217

CHARLOTTE, NC, USA—As of January 2003, the Phoenix Challenge Executive Board has confirmed 36 students and 19 teachers as participants in the 2003 Phoenix Challenge Flexo Competition. According to Bettylyn Krafft, chairperson of the event and president of Krafft Printing Systems, "Due to this tremendous increase in school participation, we need the help of the printing industry to provide frequent flyer miles for the students and teachers to travel to the competition."

Krafft says students--from Canada, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania--requiring assitance will be flying to Harper's National Flexo Center located in Charlotte, NC, for the competition; North and South Carolina participants will travel to the event by automobile. "The goal of the Phoenix Challenge Board is to have companies either sponsor a participant or to have employees donate frequent flyer miles," adds Krafft.

For more information and to contribute miles and/or volunteer assitance, contact Bettylyn Krafft at 704/309-3748; email: kps@ix.netcom.com.

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