
Digital Magazine

Seminar Series Fills Converting Industry Need for More Comprehensive Web Handling Training

Tim WalkerST. PAUL, MN | TJ Walker + Associates, a web handling consulting firm, and Paper, Film and Foil CONVERTER (PFFC), an online media resource to the converting, package, and label printing industry, announce a two-part web handling series: WOW 1.0: Walker on Web Handling and WOW 2.0: Walker on Winding.

The WOW seminar series will be led by TJ Walker + Associates’ founder and PFFC columnist/blogger Timothy J. Walker. With 25 years of web handling experience, Walker’s goal is to provide participants the skills needed to diagnose and resolve basic web handling problems, a topic, he explains, that requires greater attention within the industry.

"Web handling is a technical area that falls in a gap between the better known disciplines of fluids and parts handling,” explains Walker. “Though web handling is a vital part of any successful paper, film, or foil process, it isn't something that is taught in engineering or technical programs; so there is a great need to train technical people at all levels in web handling.”

Understanding this need for more web handling training within the industry, Walker and Yolanda Simonsis, president/editorial director of PFFC, have partnered to provide a comprehensive training seminar to operators of all experience levels.

“Tim facilitates the understanding of web principles and theories at work for both the novice and pro to a level that is painless and even fun to achieve,” says Simonsis. “I am proud to continue a PFFC tradition started long ago with columns authored by Herb Weiss, then Bill Hawkins, and since 2002 with Tim Walker, by offering our subscribers and website visitors an opportunity to interact face to face with a seasoned professional who has a true educator's gift for maintaining audience interest and focus.

“Attendees will walk away from WOW with new skills that can be immediately applied to their jobs with the ability to detect a problem's potential sources—all leading to a web handling solution that reduces waste,” adds Simonsis.

WOW 1.0: Walker on Web Handling will be held May 14-15, 2013, at the Holiday Inn RDU in Raleigh, NC. WOW 2.0: Walker on Winding will be held at the same location, June 17-18, 2013.

For more information and to register for the WOW seminar series, visit www.webhandling.com/wow1.


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