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Color-Logic Joins PRIMIR Task Force


WEST CHESTER, OH | Color-Logic, developer of the Process Metallic Color System, has joined the PRIMIR Value-Added Printing and Finishing Task Force. PRIMIR (the Print Industries Market Information and Research Organization) is a global source of data, analysis, and trend information about print and related communications industries. Research is funded by member dues as well as through support from NPES.

Color-Logic director of sales and marketing Mark Geeves says, “Color-Logic became a member of the PRIMIR Value-Added Printing and Finishing task force to better assist our licensed printers in understanding the market opportunity for the Process Metallic Color System, and to aid them in promoting this high-profit adjunct to conventional CMYK print.

PRIMIR managing director Jackie Bland, adds, “Scheduled for publication in late 2013, the PRIMIR study will include extensive surveys of print buyers, printers, and other key industry experts. The study will be circulated to all PRIMIR and NPES members when completed.”


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