Agfa Calls Young Creatives for Packaging Contest
- Published: July 12, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
MORTSEL, BELGIUM—Agfa is asking students to submit entries to its "The TIME of Your Life" package and label design contest. According to the prepress mfr., "[For this competition], we would like you (as a graphic or design student) to express yourself about a moment, a day, a specific occasion, or an important experience." Agfa says the design will be via three packaging formats: a folding carton box; a tin can label; and a sticker to put on the lid of the can. "Eventually," adds co., "we will put a give-away wrist watch in the can, hence the theme: 'Time of Your Life.'"
Contest requirements and rules are as follows:
All 3 "tools" have fixed measurements and can be downloaded (in PDF form) from (PDFs can be imported into your design software)
All three designs should have a similar (coordinated) look and feel
Designers must be between ages 17 and 30 and be a registered student at a school, academy, or college for the graphic arts, design, or photography at the time of entry submission
Entries are valid if they makes use of the three "grids"; individuals can enter a maximum of three entries. Submitted entries should be returned in form of 3 JPG (jpeg) files no later than October 25, 2002
Two award categories: platinum and gold; an international jury of graphic arts, packaging, and print specialists will designate 4 platinum awards and 10 gold awards in the last week of October 2002
Winner notification will be during second week of November 2002; platinum winners will need to send high-resolution files of work; and platinum winners under 18 will need guardian permission for award trip to Europe
Prizes include: Platinum Winners
Educational, "all-in" European trip in February 2003, which will include: workshops; graphic arts trade show attendance; shopping; sightseeing; and more
4 printed packages of your design (wrist watch give-aways)
Book about design and graphic arts
Gold Winners
One printed and packed wrist watch give-away
Book about design and graphic arts
Additional information can be obtained from Johan Suetens at Visit Agfa