Getting Lean in the Face of Change: Cal Poly Raine Consulting Sponsor Executive Leadership Workshops
- Published: September 26, 2003, By PRESS RELEASE
CHICAGO, IL, USA—Manufacturing in the US these days is a tough business. Foreign and domestic competition, tight margins, and fluctuating currency can take a toll on any manufacturing operation. In order to combat these problems (and more), the Graphic Institute at Cal Poly (GrCI) offers printing and converting industry professionals two Executive Leadership Workshops in December.
In partnership with Raine Consulting and Schnoll Media Consulting, GrCI presents Lean Leadership, December 10 - 12, 2003, as well as Convergence of Print, Internet, and Wireless, December 15 - 17, 2003. "These programs will fast-track companies in identifying new strategies and tactics to compete and succeed in a highly competitive marketplace," say workshop sponsors. GrCI identifies some of the workshop content as:
- Lean Leadership, December 10 -12, 2003
Participants will: - Come away with a keen understanding of the five principles of Lean Enterprises and the Lean starting points for their company.
- Practice 101 Lean Concepts highly relevant to their environment.
- See examples of best practices in cost reduction, technology strategies, and improved effiiency as a result of Lean.
- Use assessment tools to help with resource prioritization without 'analysis paralysis.'
- Do a Lean self-assessment: identify pain points, value drivers, non-value-added activities, performance measures...all in an effort to eliminate waste.
- Gain access to content and resources to support their company's future Lean efforts.
- Network with colleagues across a broad spectrum of print media executives in an invitation-only environment.
- Convergence of Print, Internet, and Wireless, December 15 -17, 2003
Participants will: - Acquire practical knowledge about the changing role of print and why the Internet and wireless are critical to the future of any communications company.
- Receive invaluable marketing and technology information to help companies determine the best growth options and opportunities.
- Identify the important role relevant content plays on building the roadmap of the future.
- Learn what's around the corner for best practices when adopting these innovative and dynamic communication capabilities.
- Hear about nanotechnology and new display technology offerings.
- Understand convergence and why companies should become players.
- Get ideas on how to induce a new brand image to existing customers.
Workshop costs and more information is available from:
Bldg. 26, Room 204A
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
805/756-2645 (ph); 805/756-2733 (fax)