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Cleanrooms East 2002: Nilfisk-Advance Explains Air Purity

BALTIMORE, MD, USA—Cleanroom converters, CleanRooms East 2002 may be something you want to check out. At this year's annual conference, Nilfisk-Advance America says it's sponsoring the session, "How Contamination Control Specialists Ensure Air Purity in Cleanrooms," March 12, 2002, 4 pm.

As for the entire event, the CleanRooms' web site states, "For more than a decade, CleanRoom events in the US, Europe, and Asia have been at the forefront in developing and providing annual conferences, tutorials, special training seminars, and major international exhibitions for the contamination control industry. These forums allow local, regional, and global industry leaders the opportunity to gather state-of-the-art information and exchange ideas that affect their industries."

CleanRooms East will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center, One West Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21201-2499; 410/649-7000. The event's registration hours are as follows:

Sunday, March 10, 5 to 7 pm; (check-in for pre-registrants only)
Monday , March 11, 7 am to 5pm
Tuesday, March 12, 7 am to 5pm
Wednesday , March 13, 7 am to 3pm
Conference Hours
Monday , March 11, 9 am - 5pm
Tuesday, March 12, 1 - 5 pm
Wednesday, March 13, 8 am - 12 pm
Exhibit Hours
Tuesday, March 12, 9 am - 4 pm
Wednesday, March 13, 10 am - 3 pm
Networking Reception at Oriole Park, Camden Yards
Tuesday, March 12, 6 - 10 pm

For more information, visit cleanrooms.com (email registration @ atdregistration@pennwell.com).

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