
Digital Magazine

Flint Ink UV: "Ideal" for Packaging

ANN ARBOR, MI, USA—Flint Ink says it has inks ideal for CD, DVD, video, and software packaging, "UV ink systems that produce durable, razor-sharp, high-gloss images that enhance in-store marketing and merchandising appeal." According to the ink manufacturer, Gemini and Matrixcure UV ink systems enable folding carton and label converters to improve significantly image quality and point-of-sale impact for multimedia packaging solutions.

"These new ink systems provide printers and converters with an effective tool to grow retail packaging business," says Steve D'Angelo, Flint Ink's director of marketing, North American Packaging Div. "Both systems combine on-press performance with end-use aesthetics to help multimedia marketers maximize opportunities for success."

Flint Ink lists says the following about Gemini and Matrixcure systems:

  • Gemini UV hybrid ink system's proprietary formula allows converters to accept UV jobs (they might otherwise outsource) and produce them quickly with minimal investment. "With the Gemini system," explains D'Angelo, "converters can achieve sharp wet traps between printing stations and utilize minimal UV light for curing."
    When combined with a UV coating, the Gemini system also offers the gloss and durability of a UV ink, and the convenient printing and easy clean-up of a conventional offset ink. Available in four-color and Hexachrome process sets and Pantone formulations.
  • Matrixcure UV ink system, which is based on new, proprietary chemistry, delivers inks that cure quickly to produce impenetrable bonds. The ink system also offers improved gray balance and provides enhanced ink/water latitude for faster makereadies and easier runnability. "Matrixcure UV packaging inks take curability, runnability, and functionality to a new level of performance," states D'Angelo.
    Available in process and Pantone colors.

For more information about Flint Ink's value-added packaging products and services, contact Steve D'Angelo at 734/622-6135; email: sdangelo@flintink.com. Visit Flint Ink on the web at flintink.com.

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