
Digital Magazine

Establish Latin American Market Links at LatinPack 2003

LatinPack 2003—Costa Rica, July 9 and 10, 2003, Hotel Real—Intercontinental, San Jose, Costa Rica

CHICAGO, IL, USA—LatinPack presents its seventh converting and packaging conference in Latin America next summer. Says the conference sponsor, "LatinPack conferences have been praised by attendees as the premier bilingual plastic converting and packaging conference in Latin America. Equipment and material suppliers call it 'the path to [establishing] links with emerging markets aimed at new businesses.'"

According to LatinPack, the two-day event next July will feature 20 technical papers as well as roundtable discussions with worldwide industry experts. Presentations will show the latest developments in plastic materials and processes, packaging film, converting, printing, and high-barrier plastic packaging with emphasis on food applications. Bilingual English-Spanish translation is available for all programs, adds conference sponsor.

Corporate sponsors for LatinPack 2003 include: Battenfeld Gloucester Engineering; Enercon Industries; Sherman Treaters; Hudson-Sharp Machine Co.; Cerutti; Galileo Vacuum; Mocon; Rohm and Haas; Ampacet; Flexotecnica; Milliken; OMV; Carnevalli; and DMT.

For information about registration, contact LatinPack USA at 630/240-8294; fax: 847/577-2435; email: latinpack@yahoo.com. Visit LatinPack at LatinPack.net.

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