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RadTech Europe Calls for Papers

RadTech Europe, November 3 - 5, 2003
Estrel Convention Centre, Berlin, Germany; radtech-europe.com


BERLIN, GERMANY—The RadTech Europe Association is urging interested radiation curing experts to submit papers for its 2003 meeting. RadTech Europe present the following guidelines for paper submissions:

The contents of the paper must comply with a high scientific standard; they must not have been presented elsewhere; and no trade names should be mentioned. Each speaker will be given 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Speakers will be charged a reduced fee for their conference participation.
The slated sessions for RadTech Europe 2003 include:
  • General Sessions
  • equipment (ultraviolet processing and electron beam processing);
  • graphic arts;
  • wood coatings;
  • UV-power coatings;
  • innovations;
  • advances in photochemistry and polymerization;
  • adhesives;
  • environment and safety;
  • New End-User Focus Sessions
  • automotive;
  • flexible packaging (food);
  • furniture coatings.
Important deadlines for interested authors include:
  • February 1, 2003: Submisstion of title and English abstract
  • March/April 2003: Notification of acceptance
  • August 31, 2003: completed paper submission
Learn more about RadTech and paper submission guidelines at radtech-europe, or send a message to mail@radtech-europe.

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