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U.K.-Based ALS Co-Develops "Innovative" Label Solution for Food Industry: Tray-Fix

THAME, OXON, U.K.—Advanced Labelling Systems (ALS) Ltd. reports the development of Tray-Fix, an "innovative labelling solution for the food industry." According to ALS, Tray-Fix is a result of "the experience and close cooperation of two industry experts: Advanced Labelling Systems and Field-First Access, part of the Field Group plc."

Tray-fix is a combined label- and machinery-based solution and presents a robust alternative to traditional carton board sleeves that are commonly used to provide product information on chilled and ready meats, at a much reducted start-up cost.

The high quality label, produced at Field First—Label Access, is made from lightweight carton board and is UV flexo printed in a range of colors.  This provides the advantage of improved shelf impact in highly competitive chilled display cabinets.

The Tray-fix label is applied automatically and directly to the container’s film lid, which prevents any movement and the possibility of the sleeve being switched or falling off in transit. As the edges of the label are perforated, the film lid can be peeled away during cooking, while the ingredients and instructions remain on the pack. In addition, recipe cards, coupons or other promotional items can be incorporated within the label.

ALS—with sites in Thame, Oxon and Dublin, Ireland—has developed an automatic labelling system that has the ability to handle 60 trays per minute, significantly faster and more cost effective than the hand collation of carton board sleeves.  Although developed for all manufacturers—at a third of the cost of an equivalent sleeving machine—it also presents an opportunity for the smaller, specialist producers to compete with the industry giants, for consumer attention.

The machine system can handle the standard D2 thermo-formed tray and can be quickly modified to accommodate all other sizes.  The system can be integrated with an existing packing line or can be provided as a stand-alone unit....

The two companies have worked together on many joint ventures says Phil Donaldson, ALS sales & marketing director. "This again highlights our ability to work alongside the best in the packaging industry and again, Label Access have come up with a superb product. Our close working relationship with them has ensured that although this is a new machine, it has been extensively tested and trialed, so that we can give it our standard fully comprehensive two-year on-site warranty. Our previous work in the food industry has given us great experience and the ALS Tray-fix labeler conforms to exacting food grade standards. We offer the flexibility of either leasing a system or outright purchase on a quick turn-around."

Andy Walter, managing director at Label Access [adds], “This ground-breaking label and machinery solution allows food manufacturers to overcome the shortcomings associated with traditional carton board sleeves cost effectively.  It also offers a wide range of marketing opportunities for large and small producers alike.”

A mobile demonstration machine is available for viewing at the ALS factory in Oxfordshire or for trials at customers’ sites anywhere in the UK, Ireland, or Northern Europe.

For more information, visit als.eu.com, or email ALS at sales@als-eu.com.

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