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Nanotechnology Spotlighted at RadTech

BETHESDA, MD, USA—Nanotechnology, reports RadTech Inernational North America, will command a full session at the upcoming RadTech 2002 conference. The fast-emerging science of manipulating individual atoms and molecules to build structures to complex, atomic specifications, "nanotechnology gives the event, and our industry, a potential quantum step further ahead on the technology curve," says Mike Idacavage (UCB Chemicals) RadTech technical sessions chair.

According to RadTech, this year's event is the largest planned event ever on the fast-growing uses of ultraviolet (UV) light and electron beams (EB) for the rapid curing of coatings, inks, adhesives, plastics, and composites. "The implications of nanotechnology for the UV and EB industries are enormous," says Idacavage, "as they provide the potential to achieve dramatic developments in the final performance properties for a wide range of end use applications."

RadTech 2002 is slated for April 28 through May 1, 2002, at the Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN. Contact RadTech at 301/664-8408; email at uveb@radtech.org. Visit RadTech on the web at radtech.org.

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