
Digital Magazine

Lean Leadership Workshop: Do More for Customers for Less

IDEAlliance, in cooperation with Raine Consulting, presents
Lean Leadership in Print Media Workshop
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Union League of Chicago
65 W. Jackson, Chicago, IL, USA
Registration Deadline: August 4, 2003
Fees—members: $285; non-members $430

ALEXANDRIA, VA, USA—IDEAlliance (International Digital Enterprise Alliance) and Raine Consulting announce a new Lean Leadership in Print Media executive series. According to the series' co-sponsors, the August 20th program offers participants "an overview of the 'Lean Thinking' vision, concepts, and tools that have made tremendous changes in other industries."

States IDEAlliance, "Pressure on profit margins has created new interest in fast-tracking elimination of waste across an entire organization and supply chain. Overcapacity in the market, the surge of electronic media, and the competitive pricing environment we live in today has increased the demand for proven ways to transform the business. [We have] been a leader in the providing forward-thinking approaches since the late 1980s, when we brought Deming to the printing industry. Lean Thinking is a methodology that can improve the competitiveness and profitability of print media."

According to IDEAlliance and Raine Consulting, during the day-long workshop, participants will receive:

  • The most cost-effective way to gain practical insights and troubleshooting consultations;
  • Holistic lean implementation education: hands-on approach on how to apply Lean Thinking in [a] company;
  • Understanding the best practices in cost reduction and technology strategies;
  • Tools and methodologies to do value-stream mapping, identify non-value-added activities, and eliminate waste; and
  • Lean self-assessment: identifying pain points, value drivers, performance measures, and priorities.
For a full listing of workshop topics, or to register for the Chicago event, contact Raine Consulting's Julie Brink at 630/629-3410 or jbrink@raineconsulting.com; Susan Kelly at skelly@raineconsulting.com; or David Steinhardt at dsteinhardt@idealliance.org; or visit idealliance.org/leanleadership.

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