NIP 18: Digital Print Pros to Summit in San Diego
- Published: March 18, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
SPRINGFIELD, VA, USA—NIP 18, The International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies, is slated for September 29 - October 4, 2002, at the Town & Country Resort Hotel, San Diego, CA.
According to conference organizers, the IS&T (Society for Imaging Science & Technology, in cooperation with the Imaging Society for Japan (ISJ), "the NIP conferences are recognized worldwide as the preeminent forum for staying [abreast of the] latest advances in digital printing."
This year's conference will have strong international, academic, and industrial participation and will feature presentations by leading engineers, scientists, and product developers, says IS&T. "Attendees will receive both a broad overview of key technology areas as well as a glimpse into leading-edge developments likely to result in tomorrow's breakthrough products." Adds the organization about NIP 18: "There will be a large trade exposition, featuring exhibitors of digital printing materials, components, instruments, and products from around the world Tuesday and Wednesday [of the event]."
The IS&T invites original technical contributions on advances and future directions in digital printing. According to IS&T: "Papers must have significant technical content; the program committee will reject papers with an overly advertising or marketing nature. The conference will include both oral and interactive presentations, with both being considered equal in value. To be considered for an oral or interactive presentation, click here.
For registration and hotel information, contact:
The Society for Imaging Science & Technology
7003 Kilworth Lane
Springfield, VA, USA 22151
703/642-9090; email:
Learn more about NIP 18 at