FTA Seeks Digital, Flex-Pack, Ink, Plate Experts for Mexico City Meeting
- Published: July 29, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
RONKONKONMA, NY, USA—According to the Flexographic Technical Association (FTA), the final agenda for the group's International Flexo Seminar (October 23 - 24, 2002) is nearing completion. Meeting planner Graciela Bilbride, FTA's director of international activities is seeking presenters willing to tackle the following topics at the upcoming Mexico City, Mexico, venue:
- Digital Prepress: Flexo and the Future
- Flexible Packaging: From Film to Converting
- Technological Innovations in Ink and Ink-Metering Systems
- Tried and True Platemaking and Mounting Techniques
According to FTA, its two-day seminar already includes presentations on color management, FIRST (flexographic image reproduction specifications and tolerances); standardization; pressroom productivity; anilox roll technology, and corona treatment. Supplying company sponsors include: BST Pro Mark; DuPont; Enercon Industries; Harper Image; Max Daetwyler; Megtec Systems; Pamarco; PCMC; Unilux, and more.
Registration for FTA members is $250, non-members $300. After September 24, 2002, the member rate is $270, the non-member rate is $325. Table top exhibit rate is $400. FTA's group rate for lodging (Mexico City's Melia Reforma Hotel) is approximately $135 per night. Reservations can be made by contacting Graciela Gilbride ggilbride@flexography.org; 631/737-6020 (ph). Visit FTA at flexography.org.