
Digital Magazine

Package Printing and Prepress to Be Focus of MAN Roland and Agfa Events

MORTSEL, BELGIUM & OFFENBACH, GERMANY—Package printers may find it worthwhile to travel back to the Land of Printing this October and November. According to PrintCity partners, MAN Roland and Agfa, the companies will host two separate forums at MAN Roland's Graphic Center in Offenbach. The meetings will cover package printing, prepress workflows, and computer-to-plate (CTP) developments.

According to MAN Roland, the "Technology Forum Packaging 2001" will include demonstrations of applications for label and folding-carton printing. The co. reports the demos will showcase its wide-ranging-substrate capabilities and reveal a direct-printing process for corrugated that produces "quality never before possible."

Agfa, reports co., will use the joint technology forum to stage its next "Agfa Futurama Prepress" event, which will feature present digital prepress developments (including CTP systems for commercial printing). Mfr. says event will focus on the new functions added to the award-winning PDF-based workflow-management system, Apogee Series 2; the medium-format Galileo CTP system; and the large-format Xcalibur CTP system.

The Packaging Technology Forum is slated for October 23 thru 25, 2001; a second MAN Roland forum is scheduled for October 29 thru November 2. Agfa's Prepress Futurama will be held October 26 and 27 and November 5 and 6.

Further information about the upcoming MAN Roland and Agfa technology presentations is available from MAN Roland by contacting Daniela_Anders@MRO.MAN.de. Or contact Agfa Germany at Rudolf.Tippner.rt@germany.agfa.com.

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