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SPI Examines Plastics Trade "China Factor"

The China "Fly-In," sponsored by SPI, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA, USA, May 13 and 14, 2003

WASHINGTON, DC, USA—The China "Fly-In," a special forum planned by The Society of the Plastics Industry Inc. (SPI)—in response to growing member concerns regarding business with China—will address the impact of US-China trade relations on the plastics industry.

Slated for May 13 and 14, 2003, the session will include speakers from Congress, the Office of the US Trade Representative, the Department of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Foreign Trade Council, and the US Business & Industry Council.

Beginning with an evening welcome ceremony on May 13, the event also will include a May 14 morning briefing focused on China's trade practices and current US trade policies toward China. The session will conclude with an afternoon visit with members of Congress on Capitol Hill.

"This is an excellent opportunity for SPI members to learn from 'China experts' about possible policy to address the growing concern about China trade," says Lori Anderson, SPI's strategic planning and industry relations officer.

Cost of the SPI-members-only event is $75 and registration forms are available online at plasticsindustry.org/business/international/chinaflyin.htm. Or contact Lori Anderson at 202/974-5281; landerso@socplas.org.

The China Factor at NPE
In addition, the Society of Plastic Engineers-organized NPE Conference will feature Global Economy and the China Factor, which runs in conjunction with SPI's NPE 2003 (June 23-27, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL, npe.org).

This breakfast briefing, from 8 to 10 am, Wednesday, June 25, 2003, will examine the state of the industry in light of economic globalization and the growing presence of China. James Buonomo of Nypro Inc. will moderate a panel discussion by international manufacturing experts. For information and registration, go to plasticsindustry.org/business/international/npeflyer.pdf or email Ms. Risikat I. Okedeyi at rokedeyi@socplas.org.

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