
Digital Magazine

Heidelberg Open House Attracts More Than 250

KENNESAW, GA, USA—Heidelberg reports it hosted a very successful "Technology Days" open house (May 1 and 2) in its Mt. Prospect, IL (near Chicago), technical center. According to the printing industry equipment manufacturer, more than 273 attendees "experienced the latest in prepress, press, direct imaging, and digital workflows" at the event.

Says Thomas McTernan, central regional manager, "This was the most successful show we've ever had in Chicago."

Contributing to its success of was the direct marketing group from Kennesaw, reports Heidelberg. "William McCarver, Betsy Tansey, Antonia Deal, and Jason Zimmerman started calling to invite and confirm customers on April 14th; they confirmed more than 310," adds the co.

Highlights of the show included:

  • Seminar on hybrid printing and coating; "Heidelberg assembled a team of experts that presented information on how UV can enhance printers' businesses.";
  • Going digital in an offset world;
  • Post press solutions for commercial printers
  • Prinect and JDF—an Adobe rep presented.
Equipment on display included Heidelberg's Digimaster 9150, its high-speed digital press; Printmaster QM 46 two-color; Quickmaster DI Pro and Quickmaster DI Plus; Prosetter 74, the co.'s violet laser direct-to-plate technology; and much more.

For more information, contact Barbara Touchette at 770/419-6964, barbara.touchette@heidelberg.com. Visit Heidelberg at heidelberg.com.

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