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Corotec Expands Biz in Asia

FARMINGTON, CT, USA—Due to increased sales volume in Asia, Corotec Corp. reports it has hired Kar Ming Industrial Supplies of Hong Kong as its new sales agent for China, Hong Kong, and Macau. It addition to its headquarters in Hong Kong, Kar Ming also has offices in Shanghai and Foshan, China.

Says Bob Scalish, Corotec's international sales manager, "We are pleased to be working with Kar Ming to continue to expand our business throughout Asia. They participated in and promoted Corotec at numerous trade shows over the past few months, including Print Expo 2002, Converting Flexo and Gravure, Chinaplas, and Pro Pak China. Based on Kar Ming's excellent reputation and high interest shown in our corona treating products at these shows, we are confident that our future is strong in this region."

Kar Ming can be contacted via email at hkkmis@netvigator.com. Visit Corotec at corotec.com.

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