Krber PaperLink NA to Educate Packagers and Sheeters
- Published: August 15, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
WINDSOR, CT, USA—Körber PaperLink North America announces its first Sheeting & Packaging Symposium. Through its established manufacturers and product lines—E.C.H. Will, Kugler-Womako, Pemco, Wrapmatic, and SHM—Körber PaperLink, a single-source supplier of "total systems solutions" for cut-size sheeting and packaging; folio-size sheeting and packaging; and paper converting and packaging systems, has slated the symposium for February 25 to 28, 2003, at the American Club Kohler, WI, near Pemco's headquarters.
According to the sponsor, the program will include a series of workshops for cut-size sheeting, cut-size packaging, and folio-size sheeting and packaging. Topics to be covered in the sheeting and packaging workshop include: question-and-answer sessions; troubleshooting; technical improvement programs (TIPs); and innovations and new designs. Körber says participants will learn about new product developments and get information about service and spare parts, and adds that reps will take take attendees on a company tour through the Pemco manufacturing plant in Sheboygan, WI, "where several folio sheeting and packaging machines will be available for viewing in the company's state-of-the-art showroom."
Says Peter J. Pappas, Körber's executive VP, "This symposium is designed to support users of converting and packaging machinery in the best way possible to achieve their business goals." Co. says target audience is finishing superintendents, engineering support personnel, operators, and maintenance staff.
For more information, contact Sven Grünwoldt at 860/687-9911, ext. 182;