School's IN for Summer: AIMCAL Extends Curriculum
- Published: April 24, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
FT. MILL, SC, USA—The Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators (AIMCAL) has added a full track of courses to it highly acclaimed summer school curriculum and extended the 2002 session by one day, the industry group reports. Slated for July 22–25 at the Charlotte Executive Park Marriott, Charlotte, NC, the educational event now consists of four tracks: Introductory; Intermediate; Technical Management, and Web Handling/Converting.
AIMCAL says courses include one four-day course, Web Handling; three two-day classes on Creative Problem Solving, Intro to Vacuum Coating, or Coating Solutions; and six-day long sessions in Expertimental Design and Control, Improving Product and Process Development, Intro to Web Coating, Intro to Film Substrates, Gravure Coating, and Radiant Heat in the Web Dryer. Attendees may register for one, two, three, or four days and select courses from the same or different tracks, according to AIMCAL.
AIMCAL Summer School classes run from 8 am to 5 pm daily and include a continental breakfast and lunch. Faculty for thi summer's session includes: Timothy Walker, PFFC's Web Lines columnist/web handling expert and AIMCAL technical consultants, Dr. Edward Cohen and Dr. Eldridge Mount. It also includes Dr. David Rosium, Dr. Michael Cone, Dr. Neil Steinberg, Dr. James Wheeler, Don Guenther, and Dr. James Oldshue.
AIMCAL Summer School cost and registration information is available through the AIMCAL office, ph: 803/802-7820; via email:; or at