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SVC Conference to Focus on New Vacuum Coating Developments

Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) 46th Annual Technical Conference, May 3 - 8, 2003, San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, CA

ALBUQUERQUE, NM , USA—The Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) reports its annual technical conference is themed New Developments in Vacuum Coating Technologies and will include a two-day exhibit with more than 200 booths as well as the 26-course-plus comprehensive education program.

Dr. Alton Romig, Jr., VP, Sandia National Laboratories, will present the Plenary address on Sunday, May 4; he will be speaking about the "miniature world of microtechnology and nanotechnology," says SVC. Presentations in technical sessions, May 5 - 7, 2003, will focus on the following topics:

  • optical coating
  • vacuum web coating
  • tribological and wear coating
  • decorative and functional coating
  • plasma processing
  • process control and instrumentation
  • large-area coating
  • emerging technologies
New "Hot Topic" joint sessions on flat-panel displays and energy-control savings will be part of the conference, and the Heureka post deadline session will include presentations on new research achievements and recent developments for new applications. SVC says a unique feature of each of its conferences includes the "Meet the Experts Corner," in which small groups of attendees can interact informally with experts over a two-day period in order to discuss narrowly defined topics.

More information is available online at svc.org. Contact SVC at:
Society of Vacuum Coaters
71 Pinon Hill Place NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122-1914
fax: 505/856-6716; email: svcinfo@svc.org.

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