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3M Garners Security Technology Award for TamperGard Film

ST. PAUL, MN, USA—3M reports its TamperGard security film garnered recognition for this year's Outstanding Achievement in Tamper Evidence at the Product and Image Security Convention (PISEC). The international conference and exhibition for the security printing and packaging industries was held in Dublin, Ireland, recently.

Says Mike Fairley, session chairman at the PISEC conference, "The features of tamper evidence need to be modified constantly to keep abreast of ever-changing threats. 3M consistently shows an ability to develop new products in the field, and its TamperGard is no exception."

According to 3M, this is a second honor from PISEC; at the 2000 conference, the Minnesota-based manufacturer's color-shifting films were selected as winner of the Oustanding Achievement in Brand Protection. "We are pleased to be recognized once again as the provider of a 'best-in-breed' solution for the security industry," says Steve Harrold, business director, 3M security market center. "By thoroughly understanding our customers' security issues, we can help them improve their business performance via reduced losses from breaches such as counterfeiting and alteration."

3M says TamperGard protects in two ways:

  • tamper indication: to protect boxes, bottles, and other packaging material against unauthorized opening and exchange of contents;
  • authentication: to verify authenticity of goods
More information about TamperGard can be obtained by calling 3M at 800/328-7098, ext. 5. Or email 3M at securitysolutions@mmm.com. More information about PISEC is available at pisec-europe.com. Visit 3M at 3m.com.

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