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Koerber PaperLink Helps Weyerhaeuser Record


KINGSPORT, TN, USA—According to Körber PaperLink, Weyerhaeuser's new Ridgefields converting plant has set a world record for converting and wrapping paper—from mill-size rolls into packages of cut-size sheets for a 10-pocket (85-in.-wide) line—with the help of "state-of-the-art" sheeting and packaging equipment as well as support from Körber.

Weyerhaeuser-Ridgefields is a brand new 213,000-sq-ft converting operation in Kingsport and is slated to be completed this month.Says the paper-industry company: "The new record—435 tons per day for the month of January 2003—surpassed the old record by 30 tons per day, even though Ridgefields had to slow or stop the production lines to accommodate 41 order changes and a variety of basis weights." The previous record, 404.8 tons for one month, was set in October 2002 by Weyerhaeuser's plant in Washington Courthouse, OH, USA."

Adds Körber: "Körber PaperLink is the leading single-source supplier of total systems solutions for cut-size sheeting and packaging systems through its established manufacturers and product lines E.C.H. Will, SHM, Kugler-Womako, Pemco, and KPL Packaging (formerly Wrapmatic and Casmatic)."

Körber says the record-setting equipment utilized at Ridgefields consists of a complete cut-size sheeting and packaging line equipped with an E.C.H. Will SLK 216 10-pocket sheeter with dual unwind stands that feed two "high-speed" Pemco packaging lines. "Each of the Pemco…lines is complete, with its own ream wrapper, ream labeler, ream inspector, ream stack/accumulator, case packer/lidder, case labeler, and palletizer," says the co. "Most of the paper streaming down Ridgefields' production line in January was 20-pound stock. However, the record is even more impressive because the plant also ran two days of three-hole punch, five days of smaller nine-pocket roll stock, and one day of 24-pound stock requiring a size change that rippled down through both packaging lines to accommodate a different ream and carton size [as well as] 246 tons of poly wrap," adds Körber PaperLink.

Contact Körber PaperLink at info@kplna.kpl.net or 860/687-9922 (Windsor, CT, USA).

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