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Pack Strat Study IDs Alternative Pouches as 'Next Wave'

WEST CHESTER, PA, USA—Packaging Strategies reports the publication of a study Alternative Pouch Formats: Global Markets, Technologies, Opportunities & Economics. According to the packaging information/resource company, the study was authored by Allied Development Corp., and in it, "retailers; users; converters; material, component, and equipment suppliers alike will discover the leading alternative pouch formats—specifically stick packs, four-corner-seal pouches, flat-bottom pouches, and other emerging and pre-commercial pouch types—that will enable increased sales volumes and selling prices." Packaging Strategies says some of the end-use categories covered include wet and dry foods; pet foods; healthcare; frozen and baked foods; agri-chemicals; and beverages.

"As retailers and users continue to experience the power of pouches to push products off the shelf, they're realizing alternative pouch formats are providing the next level of differentiation beyond stand-ups," explains the co. The study predicts certain alternative-pouch format segments could see 20 percent-plus annual growth through 2007, in categories where only 3 to 4 percent was expected previously, Packaging Strategies reports.

Alternative Pouch Formats also surveys the growth of retort pouches for multiple end-use segments. "Though hampered by production costs higher than some structures," says David Luttenberger, CPP, publishing director, Packaging Strategies, "retort's ability to add convenience and enhance product taste will support 15 percent across-the-board growth, and as much as 19 percent growth to 6.5 million units in pet foods alone."

Alternative Pouch Formats: Global Markets, Technologies, Opportunities & Economics includes more than 40 detailed OEM and 20 material and converter profiles; 64 tables, charts, and exhibits; and has "one of the signature features of Packaging Strategies' studies: five detailed comparative cost economics models. These models," says the publisher, "provide an at-a-glance perspective of how select alternative pouch structures stack up against a variety of rigid and other flexible structures on a head-to-head cost basis."

For a full prospective or to order a copy of Alternative Pouch Formats: Global Markets, Technologies, Opportunities & Economics, contact Packaging Strategies at 610/436-4220 (ext. 11); or via email at orders@packstrat.com. Learn more about Packaging Strategies at packstrat.com.

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