
Digital Magazine

LatinPack 2003 Opened Doors to New Converting Packaging Ideas

SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA—More than 90 plastics converting and end-users from Latin America gathered on July 9 and 10, 2003, at LatinPack 2003 to learn about the latest developments in plastic materials and converting and packaging equipment technologies, says LatinPack organizers. The two-day event was held at the Barceló SJ Palacio in San José, Costa Rica.

Among the proceedings were technical paper presentations as well as roundtable discussions. The venue also included included sessions on: "Innovations in Pouch Making to Maximize Printing Utilization"; "Advances in Films Surface Treatment—Corona, Plasma, and Cast"; and "Rheology, Blown Film Die Design and PE Primer."

Exhibitors in the tabletop part of the conference included Mocon (USA); Karlville Development (USA); Enercon (USA); Ampacet (USA); Fotograbados Longo (Argentina); Bruckner (Germany); Sherman Treaters (U.K.); HP Indigo (Brazil); DMT (France); Rohm & Haas (Brazil); Davis-Standard (USA); and Dow (USA).

Conference proceedings are available in CD format by contacting LatinPack Inc. at 630/240-8294 or at LatinPack@yahoo.com.

LatinPack 2004 is slated for July 14 and 15, 2004, in São Paulo, Brazil (Hotel Marriott—Guarulhos Airport). For registration information or info. on conference sponsorship, contact Veronica Wiedmann at LatinPack (630/240-8294; LatinPack@yahoo.com.) In Brazil, contact Roni Camara, Original Brasil, at +55.11.9606-0812 or +55.11.6262-2592; or via email at rcamara@originaldobrasil.com.br. Visit LatinPack at latinpack.net.

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