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Nanocomposite Packaging Study Provides Perspective

WEST CHESTER, PA , USA—Packaging Strategies announces the release of its study Nanocomposites for Packaging: New Frontiers and Future Opportunities, a work that surveys nanocomposite technologies. According to Packaging Strategies, the technology can enhance existing barriers, dissipate electrostatic charges, resist abrasion, and absorb UV radiation across a wide range of end-use categories.

A joint project of Packaging Strategies and BRG Townsend Inc., the publishers report the study is the first of its kind on nanocomposite technologies for packaging. "It provides the technology and market perspective [converters] need to help determine how to tap into opportunities in both rigid and flexible packaging applications in the soft drink, beer, meat, and cheese packaging segments," says Packaging Strategies. "It will put within your reach the critical intelligence you need to help determine where to find and how to apply available and emerging technologies to existing and new package and barrier materials." Publisher adds report also includes analysis on how nanocomposite technology is finding huge potential in pharmaceutical packaging and electronics packaging applications.

Nanocomposites for Packaging: New Frontiers and Future Opportunities is available from Packaging Strategies or BRG Townsend Inc. for $3500 (US). Contact Packaging Strategies at 610/436-4220; orders@packstrat.com; or visit packstrat.com. Visit BRG Townsend at brgtownsend.com (973/347-5300).

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