Harper Releases Platinum Anilox Report
- Published: May 02, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
CHARLOTTE, NC -- Harper Corp. of America reports the release of its "Platinum™ White Paper," authored by Art Ehrenberg, VP of operations in the co.'s Green Bay, WI, facility. Says the co., "The Platinum White Paper is a comprehensive report providing detailed scientific results of extensive testing, lab analyses, and consumer reports on the its recently introduced Platinum anilox technology."
According to Harper, the paper contains information on surface characteristics, surface wear, print densities, transfer efficiency, doctor blade wear, and the cleaning attributes of the Platinum surface. "Platinum technology is a huge success, increasing our customers' capabilities while saving them time and money," says Ehrenberg. "[This] paper tells the whole story about what can be expected for those who use the rolls and should be read by all converters to learn if the technology has applicable benefits for their operations," he adds.
Harper reports it introduced Platinum anilox technology at the beginning of this year as a result of its new laser process, which is said to react with modified trace elements in the co.'s Echoplasma™ ceramic coatings, "producing a 60 percent increase in ceramic cauterization." Adds the co.: "Platinum provides easier cleaning, better ink release, higher ink densities, and smoother lay downs as well as reduced risk of scoring and excessive doctor blade wear."
Information about how to obtain a copy of this paper is available through Sona Long, Harper's marketing service coordinator, at 704/588-3371, or sonya@harperimage.com. Visit Harper Corp. at harperimage.com.